Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Call to Action (Extremely Urgent)

Donnie Landsman included below]
This email has just been released as a joint venture of ABATE of Washington, BOLT, COC/USDefenders of Washington and other Freedom Fighter groups in Washington.  Any involvement that any of you might be able to take is greatly appreciated.  Currently, our attempt at Repeal/Modification of the Helmet Law in Washington State is sitting dormant in the Senate Transportation Committee.  the testimony was well received and we do have enough votes in committee to pass it.  This Call-to-Action is the 'encourage' the members to put pressure on the committee co-Chairs (King and Eide) to 'exec' the bill so it can be voted on by the Full Senate.  
Thanks in advance for all of your help!! 
See below.  I do believe phone calls and email will be the most immediately effective however, can you imagine the looks on their faces when bags of mail is delivered to their offices?
This is the first of a series of letters we will be putting out over the next 12 days.  (If anyone would like to write one (short and to the point), feel free to submit it to me.  If I can use it, I certainly will!!)
Mr. Breeze
ABATE Members, BOLT and Freedom Fighters,
See the call to action below and get the attached letter to all of the legislators on the list below.  
The letter was crafted as a joint of the Legislative Team leadership in Washington State.
Do not just print the attached, sign and mail it.  I also urge everyone to CALL AND EMAIL each and every one of the committee members. 
Currently, SB5143 is sitting in the Senate Transportation Committee and needs help so that it can be advanced to the Senate Floor for a vote. 
It is extremely important to make sure that you contact both Senator Eide (30th District) and Senator King (14th District).  This is especially important if you live in one of those districts. 
Together, they are the key to bringing the Helmet Repeal bill up for the committee vote.
DO NOT DELAY!  This is a crucial step to get the Helmet Law Repealed.
If you receive any feedback from any of the legislators, please forward the information to me at this email address.
Donnie ‘Mr. Breeze’ Landsman
ABATE -  Legislative Affairs Officer
BOLT - Director
Defenders, attached is a letter in PDF format to be sent by all of your membership, to all 16 Senators of the Senate Transportation Committee.
Hard mail all copies in an envelope with a stamp. Below is a list of all Senators on the Transportation Committee, includes their addresses for your convenience.
Send me a report that includes the # of people who sent all 16 letters. We have a limited amount of time, (13 days) so let's get busy.
March 1, 2013
Last day to read in committee reports from House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees in house of origin.
March 13, 2013
Last day to consider bills in house of origin (5 p.m.).
305 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40414
Olympia, WA 98504-0414
JAC 305
Senator King is not yet declared how he will vote.
235 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40430
Olympia, WA 98504-0430
Fax: (360) 786-1999
JAC 235
Senator Eide has not yet declared how she will vote.
409 Legislative Building
PO Box 40417
Olympia, WA 98504-0417
Fax: (360) 786-7819
LEG 409
Prime Sponsor of SB5143 – Has indicated he will vote YES.
404 Legislative Building
PO Box 40447
Olympia, WA 98504-0447
LEG 404
Has indicated he will vote YES.
412 Legislative Building
PO Box 40403
Olympia, WA 98504-0403
LEG 412
Has indicated she will vote NO.
201 Irv Newhouse Building
PO Box 40408
Olympia, WA 98504-0408
INB 201
Replaces outgoing Senator Jerome Delvin. Has not yet declared how she will vote.
102 Irv Newhouse Building
PO Box 40428
Olympia, WA 98504-0428
Fax: (360) 786-7819
INB 102
Sponsored SB5143 – Has indicated he will vote YES.
414 Legislative Building
PO Box 40442
Olympia, WA 98504-0442
LEG 414
Has indicated he will vote YES.
227 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40438
Olympia, WA 98504-0438
JAC 227
(360) 786-7674
Has indicated he will vote YES.
239 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40444
Olympia, WA 98504-0444
JAC 239
(360) 786-7686
Has indicated she will vote NO.
416 Legislative Building
PO Box 40441
Olympia, WA 98504-0441
LEG 416
(360) 786-7641
Has indicated he will vote YES.
415 Legislative Building
PO Box 40405
Olympia, WA 98504-0405
LEG 415
(360) 786-7608
Has not declared how he will vote.
233 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40423
Olympia, WA 98504-0423
JAC 233
(360) 786-7644
Has indicated she will vote NO.
213 John A. Cherberg Building
PO Box 40426
Olympia, WA 98504-0426
JAC 213
(360) 786-7650
Has indicated she will vote NO.
312 Legislative Building
PO Box 40435
Olympia, WA 98504-0435
Fax: (360) 786-1999
LEG 312
(360) 786-7668
Sponsored SB5143 – Has indicated he will vote YES.
Is also Chair of RULES Committee and will pull bill to the Floor for full Senate Vote.
115A Irv Newhouse Building
PO Box 40407
Olympia, WA 98504-0407
INB 115A
(360) 786-7612
Sponsored SB5143 – Has indicated he will vote YES.


Lucky Les
Lt. Commander
US Defenders