Tuesday, May 28, 2013

CALIFORNIA - The new law, which goes into effect January 1st, 2013, prohibits MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS


ABATE Update (1202)

On July 13th, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1047 into law. The bill had passed the Assembly on a vote of 55 – 5, and sailed through the Senate on a 36 – 0 vote.

The new law, which goes into effect January 1st, 2013, prohibits MOTORCYCLE-ONLY CHECKPOINTS. This is great news for bikers! This victory came thanks to the many bikers who had voiced their outrage over the discriminatory practice. ABATE of California and the American Motorcycle Association (AMA) applauded both Assemblyman Kevin Jefferies, who introduced the bill and Gov. Brown for his signature.

The passage of the law comes as another ABATE-sponsored bill makes its way through the legislature. AB 1890 would allow motorcyclists to store transponders used on toll roads or bridges on their person or anywhere on or in the motorcycle. Current law requires transponders to be mounted on the motorcycle, where it can be stolen or fall off. Another bill which would allow “MOTORCYCLES OK” to be painted on HOV (high-occupancy vehicles) lanes, commonly known as commuter lanes, has been sidelined due to costs and the current state budget crisis. But according to ABATE State Director Greg Covel, there may be a way around that issue. “This is a constant battle, and requires effort from everyone,” Covel said, “We must also always keep our ears to the ground for legislation to remove our ability to lane share.”
Also, ABATE recently had a booth at the Spokes ’N’ Rods event in Fresno. Hosted by Fresno’s Local 24, the booth was also manned by Jim Lombardo, Assistant Legislative Director for ABATE of California. “Besides supporting a great cause, we signed up at least five new members and had many renewals. I really enjoyed my day!” said Lombardo.