Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Washington State Helmet Repeal Effort 2013-2014 Session

Washington State Helmet Repeal Effort 2013-2014 Session 
We have a bill and we have a promise of a Senate Hearing from both co-chairs of the Transportation committee, Sen. Curtis King and Sen Tracey Eide.  Perhaps for the first time in over 2 decades, a hearing will be held at the citizens request.
We are running 2 bills.  The Senate version, SB5143, is an 18 and over Freedom of Choice.  To view the language, follow this link: 
The House version, HB1246, is an attempt to completely remove the statue.  To view that language, follow this link:
Both bills were authored, prepared and pushed by yours truly.  The reason for the difference in language is simple.  The Senate Co-chairs were not willing to have a hearing unless the language was at the age of consent. 
We had our annual Motorcycle Legislative Day January 17th.  It pretty much suck trying to have a motorcycle rally when the roads are slick with ice and the temp barely breaking the frost temp.  A continual freezing point fog hung around while some 200 ran around the capitol seeking support for our efforts.
Washington, like so many other States, has enough votes to pass a repeal, however getting a hearing has been impossible for the past 23 or so years.  Thankfully, the Senate Transportation Committee had a shake-up when the incumbant serial bill blocker, Mary Margaret Haugen lost her re-election bid!  So, our hope to rattle the senses of the legislature lies in the hands of the Senate Transportation Committee and the Co-chairs. 
Our biggest battle will be getting a House Transpo hearing.  The Chair, Rep. Judy Clibborn has been blocking our attemps for years.   I am working my way around her as effectively as I can.  We are hopful that the Senate Hearing will ripple through the House and there will be no choice left for the nannycrats.
One additional thing that we have in our favor is that the new Governor has stated that he will sign any bill that will increase revenue without raising taxes.  Wouldn't you know, we have a bill that will raise more than just a few Billion dollars over the next few years!
Anyway, 14 hour work days and orchestrating the best testimony team you can ever imagine is the focus of the day.  Hell, there is enough time for sleeping once I am dead!
Lets see what happens when BOLT takes the mic!!
Stay tuned cuz I may need some help in the next few weeks!  (Cut off date for a hearing is March 1st.)