Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tracy Lahey

 Tracy Lahey
A small flame war has been smoldering in the comments section of a story published February 21, 2012. The story is titled “The New York Mongol” and you can read it here.
The commenters are wives or friends of men involved in this particularly corrupt and nasty case and the issue is over whether a former member of the Pagans Motorcycle Club named Tracy Lahey is or is not cooperating with the ATF and prosecutors in this case.

Some Lowlights
Last February, a commenter identifying herself as “bitch” told a commenter who identifies herself as “Greeneyez:”
“Hey greenezes if you want you can come visit Tracy Lahey with me in PRISON not protective custody Get your story straight before you call someone a rat bitch,” and “Hey greeeneyzes do you even know Tracy Lahey personally because i do and i aften visit him in THE BIG HOUSE not protective custody how about get your facts straight before you open you stupid pie hole n spread bullshit Tracey Lahey is not a rat.”
As recently as yesterday a commenter identifying herself as “ButterflyBitch” wrote:
“Now Hear This Greeneyez…The one you accuse of being a rat personally says to post your paper proof online. If you can’t post it here make a page on FaceBook and upload it under documents. Hope that’s not to complicated for your little narrow mind. I can’t believe people are falling for the devide and conquer the feds use so well. Obviously YOU have. So put your paper where your big piehole is and post it for everyone to see.The Feds are very good at playing the BS card to get what they want and the first step is to get people at each others throats. Sorry you are so simple-minded that you fell for it. Now POST WHAT YOU PREACH and then we will see. Remember in the Alphabet World things can be arranged and you have eating some bull that has made me turn vegatarien. Have a Day.Post the page or group you create for us to see.We can’t go by your word alone. You understand don’t you? ButterflyBitch from Hell.”

Answer Is
Women will start World War Three.
The Aging Rebel believes that Tracy Lahey is cooperating with the ATF. This page has a legally obtained Report of Investigation in this case that is signed and dated by ATF Agents Bryan DiGirolamo, Thomas P. Kelly and Ronald B. Turk. The report reads in part:
“On November 17, 2010, at approximately 1940 hours (redacted name) positively identified a photo of Gilbert V. Villegas as the individual known to him as “K** O*****.” SA DiGirolamo showed (name redacted) a copy of Gilbert V. Villegas’ New Jersey Drivers License Photo and asked him if he knew this person. (Name redacted) stated “That’s K** O*****.” (Name redacted) signed and dated the photo. (Italics added by The Aging Rebel.) This is the K** O***** (name redacted) was referring to, who was selling cocaine with Robert Santiago (redacted) on May 22, 2010.
“Attachment: A copy of Gilbert V. Villegas’ New Jersey State Drivers License Photo, signed and dated by Tracy Lahey.”
The Aging Rebel protects sources and will not post the ROI online because doing so might tend to betray the sources, methods and means this page uses to verify statements published here.
Now let there be peace.