Sunday, January 13, 2013

PUBLIC REPORT – American Biker Culture Center – December, 2012


The following is a public notice to the biker community on the projects of the Center for period of December,2012.
PROJECT                                                                REPORT/ACTIVITY
*Walk-in,Improper Sentencing                   Referred to Pro Se Adviser
*Motorcycle accident                                       Referred to Legal Adviser
*Susee/Waite Bill issue                                   Post Star article coverage
{NOTE: Both B. Rabin & L. Petrocelli misconstrued the Post Star reporters
article to seem that I and the committee were getting the public angry by representing an issue of safety for ONLY motorcyclists – which has been debunked by testimony of actual citizens from Washington County who are in support of the concept for greater penalties for those who fail to yeild to bikers and cause their deaths…as the article conveyed. My response to those who jumped to negative conclusions without their actual involvement and without facts in the matter was harsh and justified. The American Biker Culture Center will not have anyone cause dissension under the guise of opinion when they,in fact,were not involved in the process of Susee/Waite with the Committee or were not available for the reporter as was arranged by the Center’s office. An “opinion” after the matter has no merit and this decision was made by the entire Susee/Waite Committee. As a result thereof, L. Petrocelli resigned as secretary of B.A.D. and in any involvement with the Center because she does not desire to fight for the issues in the agresswive manner as is described by the Center for 2013 – No more compromise and no more boot-licking of politicians! On the same level, it was determined by the entire Committee that this bill could not be drafted with ABATE and fall into the same unsuccessful lobbying process ABATE has repeatedly used with bills sitting in committees for years…like the agriculture committee? As well, whether intended or not, research has found there exists a monopoly on access to government on biker rights issues by ABATE and the governments expectation that ONLY ABATE will propose bills relating to biker rights. This important factor creates a bar to government to adress the issues by any other biker rights group – when,in fact, dozens of groups should have access to represent proposals for 1000′s of bikers in NYS.       The Committee decided that we would rather take the time to draft a bill proposal and seek new sponsors of a more agressive nature in 2013.  This decision was unanimous by six members of the committee,not including myself = 7. As Mr. Rabin is working on a simular bill draft (but,is a bill for everyone and not just motorcyclists COMPARED TO our bill concept which is just to protect motorcyclists cause every other element on the road and every other vehicle and pedestrian IS ALREADY PROTECTED by harsh penalties EXCEPT bikers) and said bill draft is being done under the auspices of ABATE -This reality has caused a faction between the work of the actual Susee/Waite Committee project by the Center and the work on a simular subject by Mr. Rabin.  The approach there is the same as above – We will be more agressive in 2013 and have no desire to be politically correct about this issue (criminal deaths and murders of bikers on the roads and highways by ignorant citizens) or lick any political boots. Its all or nothing and fuck the publics hurt feelings about the issue!  Politicians run shit – not the public! Most folks realize that now. Hence, we must fight to makle the changes necessary!

*Business Loan inquiry                                     Gave various loan office referrals
*Victoria Burn victim event                            Hosted by Hold Our Own Destiny MC
Sponsored by B.A.D. & American Biker Culture Center
*LawlessAmerica Tyler&PeepsCase             Prepped Testimony for Congress
*Anthony Denier Escort                                    Covered by Spirit of Bikers Radio
Pics provided to family/supporters
*Associate referral – Schdy,                             Parent To Parent org. Referral
Mother reported Child taken by govt.
*Biker arrested,Drive no Lic.                          Referred to Legal Adviser
Suspicion cop/judge discrimination
*DMV denial of NYS Drivers License           Referred to Pro Se Adviser-pending
*Interview Office Assistant-Disabled         No show – Pending*
*42 USC 1983 Fed Suit Prep                             Tyler & Peeps case – pending
*Conviction Appeal prep                                  Tyler & Peeps case – pending
*Human Rights Complaint prep                    Peeps – pending
*US Dept of Justice Complaint                       Tyler 7 Peeps case – pending

*Biker Menancing case-Utica                         Advised biker witness is  ”hostile”
Interviewed alleged victim/witness            and may be setting up biker…
for trial prep.                                                        By said consultation case has been
resolved w/out trial, to bikers favor.
*Affiliation w/LawlessAmerica                     Center has officially joined in work
benefiting the rights of bikers with
*Presidents Awards Committee                     Developed by Center to issue award
*Washington certification                               Applied for certification to issue
Pres. Volunteer Service Award.
*Historic Plaque Fundraiser 2013                Obtained Volunteers to assist-
*Attorney Meetings                                             Appointments set – pending
*Basic Constitution Course                             Developed by Mike Willig for Center
Available in 2013
*Basic 2nd AmendmentCourse                     Developed by Eric Oakes-FrontSight
Available in 2013

Said funds were used for payment of Spirit of Bikers Radio, business cards and legal copies, office supplies and donation to Victoria Burn Victim to replace funds that did not come in by alleged donor who decided not to support victim or event over Susee/Waite matter.
FUNDS DUE: There are still a number of sponsors on the plague that can be seen at the Center site who have not yet provided their sponsorship funds.
Please review plaque at :  to see if you have forgotten and we thank you for your MUCH NEEDED support.
We are limited by what we can do simply because there are no funds. Funding means more support from the American Biker Culture Center.

Sponsorships can be sent to: American Biker Culture Center
(Make out to B.A.D. Assn.)       66 Ostego Street,Ilion,NY
via PayPal at:

Hank McGrath, Director
American Biker Culture Center
(518) 810-1430