Tuesday, January 22, 2013

NEBRASKA - New bill would dump motorcycle helmet rule

Off with motorcycle helmets. LB 393 by Sen. Dave Bloomfield of Hoskins would allow motorcyclists 21 and older to ride without helmets. The bill would, however, require eye protection.
» End state park permits for residents. LB 362 by Sen. Bill Avery of Lincoln would abolish state park permits for residents and fund parks with a $7 fee charged on most vehicles and trailers when they register. Vehicles with Nebraska plates could then enter parks without a permit. Nonresidents still would be required to buy permits.
» Mandatory CPR training in school. LB 365, also introduced by Avery, would require Nebraska high school students to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other first aid skills before they graduate.
» State aid to cities and counties. LB 370 by Sen. Steve Lathrop of Omaha would restore state aid programs for cities and counties based on their populations. Local governments that accept the state money would be required to reduce their property tax collections by a corresponding amount. The bill does not designate how much money would be directed to the local governments.