Thursday, January 10, 2013

Must read warning from Britian to US Citizens!!!

I warn YOU - Internment is coming here to US like in Ireland now and loss of 2nd Amendment rights like happened in Britain just 6 years ago.

England Warns America: Don't let them take your guns

Added by Bill Bissell Moderator 
England grabbed its citizens guns in 1997. Crime skyrocketed as the law-abiding were disarmed. The English citizens have a message for Americans.


 Perhaps YOU are scared to do what your constitution calls for in the case of political emergency, but you speak for yourself. You mention my wife and children........ What opinion of me would they hold if I FAIL to do my duty as a citizen to collectively join this movement to defend the 2nd amendment AND IN SO DOING, FORFEIT THEIR RIGHTS BECAUSE I'M TOO SCARED? Open your eyes, and read around! Do you think it is a mere few that have had enough? Where would you AND your family be leonard, in the year 2012, had our founders displayed your current thought trajectory?
And let's clarify something here right now; Do you think I WANT this? Do you think ANY OF US welcome this? It is not WE who provoke here, it is THEM! I ask you Leonard; tell me, WHEN IS enough ENOUGH? WHERE is YOUR point of commitment of NO return? What point must be reached before Leonard says "That's IT!" Tell me WHERE that personal line of yours sits......
I base the below almost PURELY on the math, and it completely DOES NOT WORK IN GOVERNMENT FAVOR. They will be able to occupy NOTHING long term with only 1 to 2 million soldiers at arms doing their bidding ALL ACROSS AMERICA, in a simultanious action. They will have to choose their battles very carefully. Which means they will be forced to break up into smaller groups. You're damn RIGHT, the math makes them vulnerable, I don't care WHAT they're packing! This does not even account for the hundreds of THOUSANDS that will most likely quit or refuse to show up for duty rather than kick in the doors of their mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, friends and neighbors. Think New Orleans PD here..... Almost 70% of them REFUSED to show up for duty during and after Katrina to remain with their own families and protect them.
As far as the ammo ordered by the various US agencies, your numbers are actually mistaken on the LOW side. They have ordered 2.2 BILLION rounds. That's a lot of bullets........ Guess what DWARFS that in comparison? Behold;
100 MILLION gun owners in America that AIN'T too happy right now....
Over 300 MILLION firearms at the disposal of said 100 million gun owners.
And here's the kicker; 10's of BILLIONS of rounds collectively amongst the populace. That billion with a really big B!
What you read prior is not swagger, Leonard; It's embracing reality, and what it MIGHT come down the near future. As I just wrote to Bill, only a madman would covet this scenario. No one WANTS it. It may however, be thrust upon us very soon, irregardless of our personal sentiments. The math says we GROSSLY outnumber them, almost 100 to 1 or 2. I don't care WHAT they're packing; that's suicide once the American people find their footing. Chairman Mao and Stalin KNEW the value of overwhelming numbers, and used them to great effect during their tenures. The Japanese and Russians were ALSO cognizant of the sheer danger of invading America. This seems to be a lesson that our current government conveniently overlooked......
So tell me Leonard; how do 100 million armed Americans against an army of perhaps 2 million usurpers, LOSE in a scenario like this except out of forfeit or sheer cowardice? These two reasons would be the ONLY 2 reasons I can fathom for failure.