Thursday, January 3, 2013

Eighty Hells Angels and Finks bikies and associates banned from every licensed venue in South Australia

UP to 80 bikies and bikie associates linked to the feuding Hells Angels and Finks motorcycle gaxxx have been barred from every licensed venue in the state in an unprecedented crackdown.

Police have issued the barring orders, preventing them from entering any pub, club, licensed restaurant or entertainment venue.

In a move aimed at keeping a simmering bikie war off the streets of Adelaide during festive celebrations, the state's 900 licensed venues received many of the barring notices on Friday and more on Christmas Eve.

On average, the barring orders are in force for between three and six months. Those caught breaching the orders can be arrested and face a fine of up to $1250.

Yesterday, Detective Superintendent John De Candia from SA Police said the orders, which have been issued since late November, would serve to protect families from gaxxx members and associates who did not care where their rivalry might turn violent.

"These motorcycle gaxxx have no regards or concern for where they engage in their violent conduct," Supt De Candia said.

Australian Hotels Association South Australian president Ian Horne said the sheer weight of the barring orders had placed a heavy responsibility on licensees.

"Generally speaking, these sorts of barring orders are welcomed in terms of ensuring the safety of staff and customers in licensed venues," Mr Horne said.

"However, there are serious and severe obligations on licensees to comply with such orders, and the unprecedented number of orders mean staff have to familiarise themselves with a great number of barred people.

"It is easy enough to bar someone but it is the managing of that process that requires a lot of work to enforce that order."

Police Minister Jennifer Rankine said the Government "makes no apologies for our tough stance on bikies".

"On top of these barring orders we have introduced public safety orders and firearm prohibition orders," she said.

"South Australians deserve and expect the right to enjoy licensed premises without the fear of bikie related violence. Police can't be everywhere but barring orders can."

In August, police said there were about 200 outlaw motorcycle gaxxx members in South Australia, down from about 270 in 2007.

The Advertiser understands the barring orders advise that the bikies and associates are linked to the November 21 shooting murder of Jason De Ieso in his Pooraka custom paint and panel workshop.

The barred bikies are understood to be predominantly from the Finks and Hells Angels.

Hotels were provided with photographs of all the bikies with the barring orders, delivered in large mailed packages of material, so they can be recognised by hotel staff.

Supt De Candia said the barring orders were one strategy used by Taskforce Alpha since November.

He said about 80 orders had so far been issued "to protect the law-abiding community" and police were also issuing public safety orders for music events such as Stereosonic and the upcoming Summadayze festival.

In July, notorious former bikie leader Vince Focarelli was issued with a two-year barring notice, despite being in prison awaiting trial on drug trafficking charges.

The notification came just hours into Gary Burns's first day on the job as South Australian Police Commissioner.

Mr Burns, a former STAR Group leader, wants to take back the streets from outlaw bikies who have terrorised Adelaide with an escalating war that led to Focarelli's son Giovanni, 22, being killed in a Dry Creek ambush on January 29 this year.