Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Courage and Sacrifice Are Words They Live By


"You have to keep
moving forward."

Don’t let wounded service members think they’ve been forgotten. Let them know you are there for them. I encourage you to support wounded veterans today.
Dear caring friend,

Over the past few months, many of us took the opportunity to salute and honor veterans. But what we must remember is that the critical needs of U.S. service members are continuous.

When an injured warrior returns from the front lines suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a traumatic brain injury (TBI), or visible injuries, their personal battle is just beginning.

Courage ... sacrifice ... bravery ... determination — servicemen and women live by these words every day.

Jeffrey Adams is one of those who chose to defend our freedom while putting his own dreams and goals on hold. While protecting his fellow warriors, Jeffrey gave his leg when a land mine detonated 10 feet away from him.

With determination, courage, and support through Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) programs, he’s fought his way back. Nearly 30 surgeries later and a world away, Jeffrey has moved on and has reached out to others in the process.

“Things are what you make of them,” says Jeffrey.

So, with the same determination and sacrifice wounded heroes show, I ask you to continue to help WWP honor and empower Wounded Warriors.

For many, their first encounter with WWP is in the hospital when they receive a WWP backpack filled with comfort items. Countless others connect with WWP through our physical and mental rehabilitation programs that reach far beyond the bedside. Your support enables warriors to have access to programs uniquely designed to meet their needs.

Please let injured warriors like Jeffrey know they are remembered well beyond a one-day observance. Show them that their sacrifice, bravery, courage, and determination have not been forgotten with a gift of $50, $75, $100, or more today.

With thanks on behalf of our nation’s heroes,

Steven Nardizzi
Executive Director
Wounded Warrior Project

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