Wednesday, January 2, 2013

AUSTRALIA - Top cop Ken Lay vows to ban bikies from pubs and clubs across Victoria


CHIEF Commissioner Ken Lay has moved to break the grip of bikies controlling strip clubs, bars and the security industry.

The Herald Sun can reveal officers from anti-bikie Taskforce Echo have been working for months to identify and prove links between outlaw motorcycle gaxxx and a series of venues around Melbourne.

"Outlaw motorcycle gaxxx talk about operating outside the law. We know they're involved in standover tactics, we know they're involved in drugs, we know they're involved in thieving," Mr Lay said.

"These are not the type of people who should be running licensed premises.

"The legislation is designed to ensure that doesn't occur."

There have been strong suspected links between bikie figures and certain Melbourne nightspots and the security provided for them.

Among gaxxx suspected of involvement are the Hells Angels, Bandidos and Comancheros, but the bikies have always been careful to distance themselves from direct evidence that they are connected.

"Rest assured that there is significant work being done at the moment to understand the extent of that and to aggressively target any issues that are arising out of those premises," Mr Lay said.

"It's not acceptable that (bikie gaxxx) have an influence in our licensed industry, whether that be in ownership or security not acceptable."

Asked what would be done if links could be proved between OMCGs (outlaw motorcycle gaxxx) and a venue, Mr Lay said: "We are exploring all options."

One notorious gaxxx is understood to have used its muscle this year to force security at one Melbourne strip club to install its own people.

Mr Lay would not name the venues under scrutiny.

Comanchero boss Jay Malkoun is said to be an influential figure at King St venue Spearmint Rhino, a claim he has denied.

The plan to move bikies out of venue operation and security is part of a concerted push begun under Mr Lay.
Earlier this year, police swooped on bikies in a series of raids and seized 120 guns after ruling them not fit people to have the weapons under the Firearms Act.

These are not the type of people who should be running licensed premises
Police have also rejuvenated intelligence gathering on gaxxx after a period in which critics say the force dropped the ball on bikies.

"Echo taskforce has been fantastic in helping us understand the depth and reach of outlaw motorcycle gaxxx in this state," Mr Lay said.

Meanwhile, some Melbourne late-night venues have taken their own action against the visible bikie presence, by rejecting members in club colours.

Some have also banned bikies parking motorbikes outside, fearing potential customers will be intimated and not want to enter.

Police are telling licensees not to allow patched-up bikies entry to avoid violent confrontations with rival members.

Strip clubs, bars and nightclubs are refusing entry based on a "dress code standard".

Insp Paul Ross, of licensing enforcement, told the Herald Sun bikie gaxxx activity was monitored closely at late-night venues.

He said police "advised" licensees, especially those running seedy haunts in King St "it's probably better if they don't allow outlaw motorcycle gaxxx members inside ... wearing colours".

"We are aware of several licensees who have imposed dress code standards, which ban patch-wearing OMCG members from entering their venue," Insp Ross said.

He said the practice reduced the potential for conflict and helped licensees manage their venues.

"We've seen incidents escalate in the past between patch-wearing members of OMCG groups inside licensed venues, and we support any strategies that mitigate the risk of violent behaviour," Insp Ross said.

In recent times, bikie violence has seen clubs locked down, patrons smashed with bottles, stomped on, punched and kicked, and bikies doing "run-throughs" and bashing five strip club workers.

A Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation spokeswoman said liquor licensing laws required licensees to refuse drunk, "violent or quarrelsome" people entry or allow them to remain at a venue.

"While every licensee is able to refuse entry to any person ... the reason for doing so cannot be discriminatory," she said.

Insp Ross said police continued to research the relationship between bikies, venue owners and security.

"We do a fair bit of work delving into security companies and into venues to see if there are any linkages to OMCGs and venues," Insp Ross said.

One operator, who enforced the ban, said police asked him and others to sign an agreement that the dress code standard relating to bikies was upheld.