Saturday, January 26, 2013

“Anonymous” Set To Teach Abusive U.S. Government Officials a Few Lessons, Beginning With The Infiltration of The U.S. Sentencing Commission’s Website, For Starters, Way To Go “Anonymous!”

Its a “Fact” The Anti-American Muslim Barack Hussein Obama is Arming America’s Most Dangerous Enemy– The Evil Muslim Brotherhood– With F-16s And Enough Tanks, Ammunition & Technology to Kill Off Israel & Later, The U.S.A., “Fact”
Yet Not One Pussy-Ass U.S. Attorney, Congressperson, or SenatorHas Lifted a Finger To Stop This Asshole Obama.
Aaron Swartz Was “Accused” of Violating Federal Law Pertaining To The Internet & Information Gathered Therefrom, Specifically The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)); “Accused”
Barack Hussein Obama is A Parasite. Hell Bent on Destroying America And Our Way of Life, Strapping Americans With Paying For His Administration’s Excessive & Wasteful Spending Designed Purposely To Cripple America’s Place of Power & Independence In The World.
Aaron Swartz Was Actually Helpful To Americans & The World.
Unlike Obama Swartz Was Intelligent, Had a Vision of Incredible Reach Which Would Have Helped Mankind–Not Cause Death & Suffering Like The Head Sand-Nigger in The White House Whose Sole Purpose is To Destroy America & Our Way of Life While Giving Our Hard Earned Money To Lazy Illegal Muslims Who Hate America & Our Way of Life; Who’s Only Existence is to Suck The Life Out of Americans & Take Over Our Home Land.
“Anonymous” Has Decided Enough is Enough!
The Group Has Hijacked The Website of The U.S. Sentencing Commission & Informed Abusive Government Officials The Group Successfully Infiltrated Several Government Computer Systems & Copied Secret Information Which it Will Make Public Unless Laws Are Put in Place That Will Prevent Prosecutors From “Bullying” “Accused” Individuals To The Point The “Accused” Commits Suicide From The Bullying Pressures Applied By Scum Bag U.S. Attorneys Such as The Douche Bag U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, In The Death of Mr. Aaron Swartz!
I  Applaud “Anonymous” in Their Mission & Encourage All My Readers Here & My Listeners At “Hermis Live!” To Support “Anonymous” In Their Mission To Restore America’s Government Back To The Hands Of Americans!!!
Fuck Abusive Government Officials!!
Fuck Obama & His Muslim Brotherhood Mafia!!
Read Article Here