Thursday, January 3, 2013

American Biker Culture Center - Newsletter #1 - 2013


To kick off the New Year we are petitioning the President to hold congressional hearings in order that we may offer testimony from bikers and motorcyclists, independents and club members all over the United States, as well as from all other cultures - on the grave civil and constitutional rights violations suffered because of your culture. Allowing this to continue allows the government and its agencies to continually single out certain undesireable cultures or groups within society for intentionally biased second "class" treament and serious injustices. 
At present the protected class structure in most every State and under both Federal and State law is as follows:
Disability, Marriage, Sex, Age, Race
It is only fitting that "Culture" be included!
The protected class distinction is exactly the problem - A MISSING LINK - in the defense of the civil and constitutional rights of those in the American Biker Culture. A class distinction becomes a warning to businesses, public agencies, law enforcement agencies and so on that they cannot interfere with your liberties SIMPLY BECAUSE OF YOUR CULTURE (ie.,how you look, what you ride, what you wear,who you associate with,etc.). 

We need 25,000 signatures by January 31, 2013!  WE NEED YOUR HELP! 
Each individual is asked to become a leader spearheading their own campaign of this petition by posting it, emailing it and staying on top of it (reposting/emailing) at least once a week for four weeks until the end of the month.
Everyone from all walks of life, all backgrounds, all ages and races will be affected by this petition. It involves the liberty of EVERYONE!

February 5th, 2013 I will be in Washington, DC  with Lawless America demanding attention of our representatives with testimony on this issue, as well as the injustices of cases like "Tyler & Peeps" suffered by so many in the biker culture.

This is your chance to initiate a clear voice to Washington on the issues and back the American Biker Culture Center's Campaign to stop corruption and injustices.

The power is in our voice - our voice is in the petition. Speak loudly!

Learn more about

Thank you for your support,
Hank McGrath
American Biker Culture Center
66 Ostego St.,Ilion, NY 13357