Friday, December 21, 2012

Your Support Is Still Needed This Season

Your Dedication Has Changed Lives

"Ever since Wounded Warrior Project contacted me, they gave me my life back ... I could never repay them for what they have done for me."
— Wounded Warrior

"The [Solider Ride®] experience was life changing, and I can’t thank you all enough for letting me be a part of this great program."
— Wounded Warrior

"I made some deep, emotional connections with several women [at a Family Support Retreat]. It was just the right thing at just the right time."
— Wife of Wounded Warrior

Dear caring friend,

As holiday celebrations continue, some warriors and their families find it challenging to reflect on the joys of this season.

Your loyal support helps as these brave men and women endure often-grueling recoveries. They need assurance that there are resources available to them throughout their journey back into civilian life and beyond.

After sacrificing so much while serving our country and securing our freedom, many veterans are faced with the uncertainties of life after the battlefield.

Wounded Warrior Project® (WWP) programs help ease these uncertainties and are made possible through the unwavering dedication of friends like you. Your support of the WWP mission to honor and empower Wounded Warriors takes on added importance during this time of year.

I hope you will continue to show injured heroes your compassion and gratitude throughout the coming year with your gift of $50, $75, $100, or more, so that more veterans will be able to reflect on the season’s joys with friends and loved ones.

Best wishes for a joyful holiday from everyone here at WWP!

Many thanks,

Steven Nardizzi
Executive Director
Wounded Warrior Project

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