Wednesday, December 26, 2012

USA - Gun giant sells over 3 years worth of ammo in 72 hours. No joke.

Gun shop owner (DreamPictures/Getty Images)

If you were wondering where all the assault weapon ammo has gone, a gun giant has just sold three and a half years' worth of AR-15 magazines in 72 hours. In case your math skills are a little rusty or that number seems so unbelievably staggering you're sure you've read it wrong, allow us to explain again: Brownells, the world's largest retailer of firearms, has sold over three YEARS of supplies of magazines for assault rifles in three DAYS. The unprecedented sales, undoubtedly spurred by the post-Sandy Hook gun control debate, have forced the retailer to apologize to gun enthusiasts for the delay in an online forum. [Source]

You can have my Gun when you pry it from my cold dead hand, Boys and Girls the 2nd Ammendment was made for you and me, so excercize your Constitutional rights, and never let anyone try to infringe them.......