Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Reminders from Flex your Rights...

1) Don’t get angry. Always be calm and cool.

2) Don’t tell them that you know your rights.

3) Don’t get tricked by threats. Cops can lie.

4) Don’t agree to a search. Ever.

5) Don’t just wait. Ask: “Am I free to go?”

6) Don’t do shady stuff in public.

7) Don’t admit anything. Remain silent instead.

8) Don’t answer questions without a lawyer.

9) Don’t let them in without a warrant.

10) Don’t panic. Challenge misconduct in court.

Thank you for supporting our ongoing efforts to eradicate constitutional
illiteracy in the United States!

Yours in Liberty & Justice,

Steve Silverman, Founder & Executive Director

Flex Your Rights

Our mailing address is:
Flex Your Rights
P.O. Box 21497
Washington, DC 20009