Sunday, December 2, 2012

Never give up, never give in....Malfunctioning Red Lights

Taking a Legislative Run at the Helmet Law and Malfunctioning Red Lights in Washington.  Check out the Right Shoulder patch and sticker on the helmet.

Tracci Dial, News Anchor 
RICHLAND, Wash. - The time it takes to get from point A to point B should be the same whether you're in a car or on a motorcycle.
But oftentimes, the sensors at stop lights don't recognize the lighter weight of motorcycles. Making their trip much longer than it should be.
You've likely heard of 'stop and go traffic.' Well, for motorcycles it's often more stop than go. Some intersections aren't equipped to sense the lighter weight of bikes, leaving riders with few options.
"If you want to proceed, yeah, you have no choice but to break the law," said motorcyclist Donnie Breeze.
While 13 states have laws that allow motorcycle riders to go through the light after a certain number of cycles or if the coast is clear, Washington State has yet to pass any law like that.
The motorcycle group, ABATE of Washington, is working on it, though, for the upcoming legislative session.
"I think that its good legislation but its going to obviously go through the legislation process and you never know what you're going to come up with by the end of the session," said State Representative Larry Haler.
There are an estimated 20,000 endorsed motorcycles in the Tri-Cities area.
"I've actually sat during the Hanford rush hour traffic for over 15 minutes at a single light," Breeze said.
The only way some lights turn is if a car pulls up behind the motorcycle rider.
A bill that did pass back in 2009 says if detection equipment needs an upgrade or replacement, the new or improved equipment must then detect motorcycles and bicycles. But, that's still subject to available funding
"That has yet to happen. We've got lights right here in the Tri-Cities, several within a few miles of where we're at, that will not detect a motorcycle.
2013 will be the seventh year ABATE will present motorcycle legislation before lawmakers.