Wednesday, December 26, 2012

FBI & DHS Advise Agents to lookout for those recording “security personnel”

A “Suspicious Activity Reporting Bulletin” on Photography by employees of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), both Washington, DC-based organized criminal outfits.
Among other things, the document warns its members to be on the lookout for those who photograph or video record “security features, including cameras, security personnel, gates, and barriers.”
It should come as no surprise these rogue entities issue such warnings – the very nature of their structure, which is based on theft and a claimed “legitimate” right to initiate force – only incentives the creation of such boogeymen.
This document is shared for transparency (as bullies thrive when their victims are isolated and scared). When the aggressors who work for the FBI and DHS are filmed, when their actions are documents, and the rights-violations they cause shared, it is a good thing. The more folks made-aware of their claimed double-standards the more who will proactively withdraw their consent.
DHS FBI Photography


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