Thursday, December 27, 2012

Corps' resolution: Mandatory alcohol testing

Written by
Gretel C. Kovach
The Marine Corps is beginning the New Year with the introduction of a strict alcohol screening program, becoming the first service to adopt mandatory alcohol testing of all personnel. The Navy will soon follow.
Starting Jan. 1, all Marines and sailors serving with Marine units will be given random “breathalyzer” tests twice yearly to measure blood alcohol levels, the Corps announced this month. Anyone with a level of 0.01 percent or higher can be referred to counseling.
One drink during the work day, or heavier consumption the night before, can raise blood alcohol levels to 0.01 percent. Drivers with 0.08 percent blood-alcohol levels or higher are considered legally drunk.
Marines who blow a blood-alcohol level of 0.04 percent or higher will be referred to medical personnel to assess fitness for duty.
The program aims to deter Marines from abusing alcohol and coming to work under the influence of any amount, as well as identification of those who may be developing a drinking problem.
The main goal “is not to catch people and drive up the number of non-judicial punishments,” said John Veneziano, a Marine veteran who directs the Consolidated Substance Abuse Counseling Center at Camp Pendleton. “It is early intervention.”
Alcohol abuse may have career consequences, however. “Although the (alcohol screening program) is primarily for deterrence and education, it does not preclude commanders from taking appropriate administrative action should the situation warrant,” Lt. Gen. Robert Milstead, Jr., deputy commandant for manpower and reserve affairs, said in a message this month to Marines.
The program is part of Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’ 21st Century Sailor and Marine initiative to improve health, safety and military readiness. Other newer programs target tobacco use and synthetic drugs.
Both services are campaigning to deglamorize, treat and track alcohol use, the Navy Department says: “Sailors who drink excessively or late into the night and report to duty under the influence of alcohol place themselves, their shipmates, and our equipment at risk.”; (619) 293-1293; Facebook page: UT Military; Twitter @gckovach