Monday, December 3, 2012

AUSTRALIA - Report OMCG activity

State Crime Command's Gangs Squad has launched an online facility that allows people to report Outlaw Motorcycle Gang (OMCG) activity directly to Strike Force Raptor investigators.
Established in 2009, Strike Force Raptor is a proactive, high-impact operation targeting OMCGs and any associated criminal enterprises. To date, Strike Force Raptor has resulted in more than 1800 arrests and more than 4000 charges, as well as the seizure of more than 400 firearms, 250 other weapons, large quantities of prohibited drugs and steroids, and over $2.3 million cash.
It has always been possible to report OMCG activities direct to police or via Crime Stoppers, and members of the public are still encouraged to use these methods.
However, Strike Force Raptor investigators believe the new "direct-to-detectives" reporting capability will maximise opportunities for members of the public to work in real time with police to drive down OMCG-related crime and violence.
This reporting alternative will allow police to respond more readily than ever before to reports of OMCG violence and organised crime.
There is often a 'code of silence' associated with OMCG crime, as victims may fear reporting matters to police, but police would like to assure members of the public that no matter how they contact police, all reports will be dealt with in strict confidence.
Police stress that the public should still contact Triple Zero for assistance in an emergency.
Those wishing to use the new reporting facility can access it via the "Help Us Solve a Crime" section at the NSW Police web site. Click on the "Gangs Squad Strike Force Raptor" link and fill in the required details. This information will then be sent directly to investigators.
Alternatively, the following link will take you directly to the "Help Us Solve a Crime" page:
OMCG activity that should be reported to police includes:
  • Any acts of violence, drug-supply activity or other crime involving OMCG members or associates;
  • OMCG members wearing gang colours in places where this is prohibited (for example, licensed premises);
  • Suspicious behaviour involving OMCG, or suspicious activity around OMCG clubhouses in your area.