Wednesday, November 14, 2012

When Will The Feds Realize That Marijuana Legalization Is More Popular Than Obama?


Colorado Amendment 64 Received More Votes In Colorado Than The Obama Campaign

As loyal readers know, I just got back from Denver, Colorado where voters recently passed Amendment 64. It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that marijuana prohibition is dead in Colorado and Washington State. I find myself pumping my fist into the air in an expression of victory from time to time, whether there are people around or not.
The federal government is ramping up it’s rhetoric, claiming that they will not allow a state to respect it’s citizenry and not respect the democratic process in Colorado. Those ‘boogey man tactics’ haven’t stopped us from implementing marijuana reform before, and there’s no way we are going to let it stop us now! Our friends at the Marijuana Majority posted a fantastic pic after the election that I think sums up the mood in Colorado and beyond:
barack obama colorado marijuana majority
As of the last official count I saw, with 100% of Colorado precincts reporting, 1,291,771 votes in favor of Amendment 64 had been counted, compared to 1,238,490 votes for Obama received 1,238,490 votes. That means legalizing marijuana in Colorado was 53,281 votes more popular than the President of the United States. When I say that marijuana legalization is more popular than our commander in chief, I’m not stating a subjective claim – it’s a mathematical fact!