Sunday, October 28, 2012

USA - The 911 Call

Police: "911 what is your emergency?"

Caller: "HELP! My home is being invaded, people are killing us, shots are being fired!! [shots heard in background] I'm armed, but I don't think I can handle this! There are too many of them!"

Police: "Do not fire at them. Go hide somewhere."

Caller: "Are you sending officers to help me?"

Police: "No, we are not. We don't know the whole situation there, and we don't want to risk officer lives until we know the big picture."

Caller: "Then I'm going to defend myself!!"

Police: "No, you're not. Do NOT fire on them. Go hide and hope for the best. We're not sending help."

If this were an actual 911 call, the lawsuits that followed would be unimaginable. There would be massive outrage, every media outlet would cover it as headline news for the next month. Cops would be thrown in prison. The chief would be investigated and fired. The city would be sued well beyond their ability to pay it off. There would be pandemonium in the streets of that town. There would be riots, protests, killings, you name it. That's not speculation, that's just the simple truth of it. A scenario like this would be UNHEARD of. And it would be unacceptable to the American people, republican OR democrat.

This little fictional 911 call however is a an exact example of what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/12. Why isn't it being reported? Why isn't it being covered? Why aren't people outraged by this??

The short, simple answer?? Because 0bama doesn't want it to be. The government doesn't want it to be covered. They want this minimalized, brushed under the rug, forgotten about.

I've been watching the coverage of this like a hawk (on the ONLY news channel that's daring to cover it, Fox News) and I've formed my own conclusions about this. This is just my opinion, and I think I'm pretty right about this, when you add up all the facts... So here's my view:

The last thing 0bama needs is a prime example of muslim terrorism so close to the election. After all his bullshit talks about how good his foreign policy is, he doesn't need an example proving him wrong. A terrorist attack on US soil on the anniversary of 9/11 is not good press for him. 

So why not authorize the military to send help? Because that would be an acknowledgement of a problem. That would prove to the world that al qaeda is STILL an unmanageable problem. Let the attack happen, make it look like a protest.

The turn around?? Blame it on a US anti-muslim filmmaker. Not only does that take the heat off of the administration, but it puts it squarely on the "bigots", which is a bolster to his campaign efforts. Why lie and take the chance?? Because they thought they had time on their side. They were banking on this coming to light AFTER the election, when he was safely re-elected. They were NOT expecting to get caught with their pants down BEFORE the election.

This is blowing up in 0bama's face in a bad way. The ONLY thing that isn't driving the nail into the coffin is the simple fact that people just don't know enough about it. That's why we're here. PLEASE, share this story on your walls, talk about it with your friends and family, and GET THE WORD OUT THERE. You owe it to yourself, your family, and your country. **SHARE THIS**

Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose.