Saturday, October 20, 2012

Urgent Message from Dick Morris


Dear Reader:
Mitt Romney won the second debate with Barack Obama!
Frankly, Obama's attacks against Romney were nothing less than pathetic.
Perhaps the major turning point in the debate — the "aha" moment for millions of undecided Americans — was when Mitt Romney so eloquently listed the key statistics of Obama's record
The facts about Barack Obama's record are simply indisputable — and disastrous!
I have been urging publicly that Romney's campaign focus on Obama's record, not just in public utterances but in campaign ads as well.
This is why — just before the debate — I worked with Super PAC for America to release a powerful new ad that cuts through the political spin and directly cuts to the bone.
This ad was released just days before Romney's performance — but it sounded just like Romney's recap of Obama's job performance statistics.
Super PAC for America is dedicated to go directly to the American people to expose Barack Obama for the almost total failure his administration has been.
The Super PAC’s 30-second ad opens with a black screen and, in total silence, the following indisputable statistics scroll up on the screen:
—23 Million Unemployed or Underemployed
—47 Million on Food Stamps
—5.5 Million Homes in Crisis/Foreclosure
—$4500 Drop in Household Income
—$5.5 Trillion of New Debt
—$716 Billion in Medicare Cuts
—$2.6 Trillion for Obamacare
—$1.9 Trillion in New Taxes in Obama’s Budget
—100% Increase in Gas Prices
In the middle of this scroll, a roar begins to be heard chanting "Four more years, four more years . . . "
And then when the scroll ends, the chanting ends and a voice comes on and says, "Four more years of this?
"You've got to be kidding!"
The Super PAC for America urgently needs your help to place this ad in key swing state markets across the nation.
No group is running such clear and powerful ads, not even the Romney campaign.
That's why I decided to join Mike Reagan, national chairman of Super PAC for America.
Mike believes like I do that we can't leave it to chance that Obama's record will be fully exposed.
Mike has also reached out to key advisers who were close to his dad, President Reagan, and helped him win two national elections by a landslide.
What I like most about Super PAC is that it is not afraid to speak the truth.
In the 2010 Congressional elections, Super PAC for America raised millions and played a role in dozens of close House races.
I believe Super PAC was crucial in helping the GOP win a landslide in the 2010 elections.