Monday, October 1, 2012

2nd Annual Chalk the Police!


2nd Annual Chalk the Police!

If you saw someone using non-toxic children’s chalk on a sidewalk or other public area would you put them in a cage and demand from them their money?
That’s what some folks wearing badges have done this past year. No joke! Let those bullies know you don’t condone their aggressive actions through a peaceful, non-permanent* mechanism – chalk.
The 2nd Annual Chalk the Police: National Day of Action and Chalking Contest! is an opportunity to share your thoughts with those who dub themselves “the authorities”, as well as anyone who walks, runs, bikes, or drives by. And this year, the best entry into each of three categories – Best Location, Best Mural/Chalk Art Design, and Best Chalk Saying/Slogan – will receive $66 worth of Cop Block swag. The best mural/design will also get some high-quality Eternity Art chalk.
For details, and to connect with folks in your area to stage an event or to create an event of your own, visit: