Saturday, September 1, 2012

U.S. Marine Brandon Raub, Who Was Kidnapped by U.S. Federal Agents From The FBI & Secret Service, Accompanied by Local Yokels, Speaks Out For The First Time Since His Release


U.S. Marine Brandon Raub Falsely Arrested, Kidnapped by U.S. Federal Agents
Decorated Combat Marine Veteran Brandon Raub was illegally arrested, falsely imprisoned, kidnapped and had his Constitutional Rights purposely violated by agents of the U.S. Government whom are employed to “PROTECT” Americans from asswipes like those who took Brandon into custody for posting his views (a Freedom of Speech Protected Right) on Facbook.
As we find out in this interview, conducted by Constitutional Attorney and President of The Rutherford Institute John Whitehead, THOUSANDS of Americans are currently being held against their will in the above sated manner!!!
Watch video here