Sunday, September 16, 2012

This bears reading

heard this from sources other than Glenn Beck..
 Just passing this along...true or not...can't hurt....

"There are only two defining forces which have ever offered to die for you: 

Jesus Christ, for your soul and the American soldier, for your freedom."

: Sun, 9 Sep 2012 08:43:27 -07
Subject: Fw: This bears reading:
This sounds far-fetched, but very scary, and it says it’s a “rumor,” but I have read recently where several branches of our government have bought millions of rounds of ammunition lately….Never know what this administration is up to.
This was sent to me by a very reputable business man, and it does say it is a rumor; however, the O campaign is full of very dangerous people with a track record for distorting the truth and doing whatever it takes to win. While I doubt that they are brazen enough to do this, the statements by Biden in VA were probably not simply the tongue slip of a proven idiot but are indicative of the kind of class warfare dialogue that has been around for several years in this Administration.

It's a rumor....for now... but it's what Glenn Beck talked about over a year ago..... I think many things will be happening before this election.. Glenn thought around the Aug/Sept time frame. I hope not, but nothing in the Obama administration would be a surprise. 

What I’m going to report here is only a rumor that presently can’t be confirmed. But it is of such magnitude that it must be made known if only to prepare America for a possible terrible eventuality. And while it has not been confirmed, neither can it authoritatively and convincingly be denied, certainly not in a United States where our Constitutional rights are under constant attack.

This rumor involves an agent of the Department of Homeland Security who allegedly informed a reporter at the Canada Free Press of a “false flag” or faked event to be initiated by Obama administration operatives in the hope of preventing the November presidential elections.

Canada Free Press (CFP) is an independent, conservative, electronic daily newspaper, updated several times a day. It boasts more than 100 writers and columnists who file stories regularly to the newspaper from all corners of the globe.

According to the newspaper’s coverage of this DHS “whistleblower,” the event would be a staged assassination attempt on the life of President Obama that would be blamed on “white supremacists” and subsequently used to enrage black and Hispanic communities driving them to rioting all across the nation.

The faked assassination, says the CFP report, would be carried out through the assistance of DHS agents, and “other colluders” taking their orders from the White House. The objective would be to stir up enough racial unrest to justify the imposition of martial law in major urban cities, including erecting DHS checkpoints, restricting travel, and delaying (possibly indefinitely) the November 2012 elections.

Doug Hagmann, reporting in the May 8, 2012 edition of the Canada Free Press wrote that his informant works in “the upper-echelon of DHS”, which he described as “effectively under the control of Barack Hussein Obama.”

Hagmann’s contact said, “The DHS is actively preparing for massive social unrest inside the United States .. He then corrected himself, stating that ‘a civil war’ is the more appropriate term. Certain elements of the government are not only expecting and preparing for it; they are actually facilitating it.”

The DHS whistleblower mentioned a recent meeting at the Department of Homeland Security where plans were discussed to use pawns to simulate the rioting seen in the Arab Spring countries that would bring on a “controlled chaos” for the benefit of the Obama administration.

“Envisioned by these conspirators are riots starting in urban areas such as New York , followed by a disruption of business and commerce,” the DHS source added. “They want to restrict travel, if not through high energy prices, then by checkpoints and curfews mandated by the rioting and unrest. The whole purpose is to keep Obama in office for another term, no matter how unpopular he is, as he is not finished changing our country from a Constitutional Republic .”

This certainly isn’t the first rumor to surface about Mr. Obama’s intention to subvert the U.S. Constitution, by manipulating economic, racial and social issues that would polarize Americans and bring on enormous conflict. But the full measure of this contrived event, if true, involves total suspension of our democratic rights, and repression on a scale never thought possible in the America we’ve known and cherished all our lives.
It’s a rumor that bears watching … and is worth spreading because the more people who know about it and understand the high level of deceit and treachery that confronts us daily in Washington , the less likely it is for the rumor to become a reality.

The lesson here is that if people are aware of the possibility, even remote, of some great calamity befalling them, they’re on guard. They’re prepared. Their defenses are up. Those who would commit evil will back down fearing a confrontation they can’t win.

The more we talk about the potential for a staged, bogus presidential assassination that would trigger massive civil unrest and possible martial law, the stronger is our defense against it actually occurring. The nation will be watching. Patriots everywhere will be on alert. The Obama administration will be under scrutiny more intense than ever before. It doesn’t have the guts to take on millions of Americans when we’re ready for anything.

Sometimes rumors are a good thing.