Sunday, September 23, 2012

SAN DIEGO, CA - Libertopia 2012

Boy, a year sure flew by fast! Libertopia is here again, and back in San Diego for an epic, freedom-loving weekend Oct. 11th-14th. If you’re on the west coast, or if you have some vacation time to spare, I would highly recommend checking out this year’s Libertopia, which promises to be phenomenal again. Of all places to have such an event, San Diego is a fantastic choice. The weather is great, and there is plenty to do, see, and eat.
Like last year, blogger and author Stefan Molyneux of Freedomainradio will be the master of ceremonies.
To see what Copblock was up to last year at Libertopia, please check out this post. I’ll be there again this year, with lots to share/say about police brutality.
Other notable speakers include Gary Chartier, author of The Conscience of an Anarchist; Anthony Gregory, Research Analyst and writer, Ernie Hancock of Freedom’s Phoenix; Angela Keaton of; Roderick Long, PhD, Professor of philosophy and blogger, Larken Rose (controversial Copblock writer), among other wonderful speakers.
If you do happen to go please be sure to stop by the Copblock booth and say hello.
For more information, please visit (yeah, that’s me making a couple of cameo appearances in the promo video!)