Saturday, September 15, 2012

More Devils Diciples Drama

The Devils Diciples are taking a public relations beating this year.
To recap: It was just about a year ago that former club officer William “Billy Wadd” Smith was helping to make racketeering cases against both the Highwaymen and the Outlaws in Detroit. About the same time, an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at California State University San Bernardino named Stephen “Skinz” Kinzey was charged with selling methamphetamine. Kinzey also happened to be the President of the Mountain Chapter of the Devils Diciples so papers from Anchorage to Katmandu ran headlines about “The Devil’s Professor.” The alternative headline was “The Real Life Breaking Bad.” Then there is also the lurid and disorganized tangle of racketeering cases underway against club members and associates in Detroit that may eventually all be titled United States v. Scott William Sutherland, et al. Indictees in that one include Devils Diciples’ National President Jeff Garvin Smith and National Vice President Paul Anthony Darrah.
Finally, yesterday two members of the club from the Tuscaloosa, Alabama chapter were charged with murder. The club only has about 150 members in six states.
The Latest Mess
The most recently accused are club members Adam “Sandman” Mayton and Fred “Shooter” Weiss. They are charged with killing patch holder Samuel Henry Dixson. Baldwin County Alabama Sheriff Huey “Hoss” Mack told Thyrie Bland of the Mobile Press-Register, “Obviously, we do believe that this was an internal situation among gang members. Everybody that we know of at this time was either a member of the Devils Diciples or at least associated with a member of the Devils Diciples.” The Press-Register also reported that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are participating in an “ongoing investigation.”
The greatest mystery in the case so far is what there might be to investigate.
Dixson left home left last Friday to go to the DDMC clubhouse. He missed a birthday party for his wife and her twin sister that night and his wife had cooled down enough to report him missing on Monday. The Escambia County Florida Sheriff’s Office spotted Dixson’s truck Saturday. Firefighters in Alabama found Dixon’s body Wednesday next to the Styx River in Baldwin County Alabama. The body was identified as Dixson yesterday.
Meanwhile, the Devils Diciples clubhouse burned to the ground early Monday morning.heSuspects
Multiple news sources have reported that Mayton and Weiss walked into the Robertsdale, Alabama Police Department on Tuesday and announced they were surrendering because they might have been involved in a homicide. Both men asked to have lawyers present during their questioning and after talking to those lawyers both men changed their minds and refused to answer any questions including who they thought they might have killed. So, both men were released. Mayton who had two black eyes and other injuries was transported to a nearby hospital.
Mayton and Weiss were arrested the next day after Dixson’s body was discovered. As of 2:30 p.m. Pacific time Friday neither of the two men has been arraigned.
The Tuscaloosa News reported this morning that a Baldwin County Sheriff’s Office spokesman said “More arrests are imminent in this case.”