Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Keep Little Scotty Free: Defense Fund

  • 11:45am
  • As a lot of you know, and some may not. I have been fighting a legal battle since Jan. of 2011. Its now coming down to the wire and the legal bills are adding up. For me to keep up the good fight I'm in need of help from whoever is willing to stand by me. All it will take is a minimum $20 donation at the door to get in, and donations made at the event will go straight to the legal bills and keeping the lawyer on staff for the duration of the fight. Currently the bill stands at $20,000.

    For those of you ...
    that may not be able to attend the party but still wish to help, I have set up a pay pal for donations. The info is below

    For transfers using pay pal the email to use is:

    Any and all help is much appreciated, thanks!!!
  • Any and all help is much appreciated, thanks!!!
    3020 E Coronado St, Anaheim, California 92806-2602