Saturday, September 1, 2012

Helping Heroes...... watch the video and $2.00 gets donated!


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Helping Heroes Home: Watch this video and AT&T will donate $2 to Cell Phones for Soldiers

For many soldiers, one of the most challenging hardships of war is being away from their loved ones. It’s missing the birth of a child, not being there for important milestones or just the long stretches of time without hearing the voices of family members. Costly long-distance calls home lead many American troops to rack-up massive phone bills that they struggle to pay off once returning from service.

Brittany and Robbie Berquist were only 12 and 13 years old when they heard about this issue afflicting countless soldiers. Inspired to do something to help out these heroes, the Berquists founded Cell Phones for Soldiers – a nonprofit organization that provides American troops serving overseas cost free methods to stay connected with their families back home. Over the last 8 years, the organization has dispensed more than 2 million prepaid calling cards and more than 150 million minutes of free talk.

Despite the tremendous impact that their organization has had for thousands of American families with a parent serving overseas, Brittany and Robbie noticed that problems remained once soldiers return home. They are now expanding their mission with a new initiative, “Helping Heroes Home,” which provides emergency funds to veterans to assist with basic needs such as; rent on their homes, groceries, car payments, retrieving their belongings from storage, and tools for securing good jobs.

AT&T is also taking up the call to honor those that protect our freedom by partnering with “Helping Heroes Home.” For every person who watches the video, AT&T has pledged to donate $2 to Brittney and Robbie’s organization, and an additional $1 for inviting friends.

For just a few minutes of your time, you can be a part of the mission of Helping Heroes Home to raise $50,000 to help veterans reintegrate into society. Their fight overseas may be over but their fight to assimilate back home has just begun.