Friday, January 4, 2013

Babe`s of the DAY..... This is 18 and older. Rest assured I will offend you and rest assured I don't give a fuck! If you don't like crude hum or and think you will report me don't like my page. For those with the ability to laugh and take a joke welcome.

Photo: V této "pražské" golfové sérii jsme se dopustili spousty chyb. V té další ... je už určitě opakovat nebudeme !  ... Upravíme styling do originálnější golfové podoby a trochu víc to rozhýbáme :-D ...
PhotoPhoto: Our second page: Girls & Bikes
Photo: Grtz from Italy

Photo: <Big T>
Photo: (T)Photo: (T)
Photo: (T)