Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Mike, my friend, you’ve done it again.

You’ve brought up the obvious and all though I could have come up with a motivational style come back better than yesterdays, Supercalifragilis, poster, I think I’ll let this one go. Simply said though, The cartoon below is a perfect example of a Delusional Government leading a Disillusioned People. It’s accurate, pointed and succinct. It’s a sad fact is that our country is split right down the middle.  You’re on one side if this issue or the other.  There is no middle ground.  And would you like to know something else, it’s exactly what our federal government wants.  They don’t want anything but a ‘Two Party’ system.  They don’t want to hear a 3rd or 4th parties point of view.  By keeping the people in the dark and at each other’s throats they win and ‘We the People’ loose.  Even an Idiot Savant can see right through this and understand it, wholly.