Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's happening in Australia... soon here? FORCED RIDING APPAREL?

Motorcycle riders may swap leathers for fluoro vests by: By Malcolm Farr, National Political Editor From: August 16, 2012 12:34PM

 Motorcycle riders would be forced by law to wear fluoro jackets under proposals splitting the biker and scooter community.

 Source: News Limited Australia's 1.3 million motorcycle riders would be forced by law to wear fluoro jackets under proposals splitting the biker and scooter community. A country policeman has started a national battle over the possibility of compulsory hi-visibility clothing as part of a bid to make riding safer and reduce the toll of about 200 deaths a year from motorcycle accidents. One meeting of riders tonight is likely to start a national rebellion against forcing motorcycle licence holders, including the 750,000 who use their machines every week, into day-glo safety wardrobes. Anger over the proposal for mandatory protective clothing is nearing the level of fury reached when daytime headlight use was pushed as a safety measure 25 years ago. A Victorian Government road safety inquiry will consider the hi-viz option and, if adopted, other states could be expected to follow. . The public debate began when the fluoro idea was pushed by Senior Sergeant Bill Gore of the Wangaratta Highway Patrol, a 35-year police motorbike veteran. Opponents now refer to it as "Gore's law", although it's a long way from being legally enforceable. Sgt Gore recommended the measure at a June meeting of locals on motorcycle safety. He denies a report he told the meeting it would become law, but has not retreated from endorsing the idea. "If a motorcyclist can make himself more visible he's less likely to be hit," Sgt Gore told ABC radio. "I would encourage motorcyclist to wear as much high-visibility gear as they could. I wear it myself, and if it can be done, that should be the choice." Damien Codognotto, Melbourne-based spokesman for the Independent Riders' Group, is fighting compulsory fluoro because it could affect the liability of a bike or scooter rider after an accident. And there was no evident the jackets would add to safety. "Gore's law is likely to change the legal standing of motorcycle and scooter riders and their liability after a crash regardless of who was at fault," Mr Codognotto told "We went through all this about 25 years ago with the lights-on ADR (Australian Design Rules). "Compulsory third party insurers are looking to reduce payouts for victims of road trauma who were on two wheels (who are) seen as easy targets for reduced compensation. That is not only unjust considering the premiums and taxes we pay, it is disastrous for riders' families." He said there had not been much research into the issue and the collection of crash-site data had been patchy. One bike rider named Pee Wee, from a Gold Coast Christian motorcycle club, says it's others on the road who need high visibility as they cause most accidents. "Maybe we should fluoro all the pedestrians and P-plate drivers and riders," Pee Wee said.