Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Found this today

2012 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show

Still don't see many patrons at this packed venue. maybe hiding?

The only negative note to another great LA Calendar Motorcycle Show was a protest group of about 50 bike club jacketed people on the street in front of the Calabasas Inn's main entrance during the morning hours. They were there to protest the Calendar Show's 'No Outlaw Club Colors" policy and did their best to intimidate and threaten spectators to not enter the event. "The LA Calendar Show, like many other bike events in California," explained Show producer Jim Gianatsis, "has had a 'No Club Colors' and body search policy the last 20 years when we were in both Santa Monica and Long Beach. I was happy to relax this policy with the move to Calabasas, modifying it to just no 'Outlaw Club Colors' to reflect the continued criminal activities, murders and arrests by law enforcement of the outlaw biker clubs in Southern California. As a private event on private property, we have our own ...constitutional right to invite who we want to our party, and to protect those who want to come and enjoy the day.

This new protest, however, was organized by a former 'peaceful' sportbike club president to who the Calendar Show had given unlimited complimentary admission and booth space to his club, and his associated clubs and members in past years, under their pretext they were supporting the sport and local charities. But this year with the move to the smaller Calabasas Inn venue, we could only offer them at 20-foot booth space for their designated charity or have to turn away paid exhibitors. In the current economy we can't afford to give all their bike club members free admission to an event that costs a lot of money to produce. We needed them to pay the low $20 admission like everyone else, while we still would help support thier charity. But this wasn't good enoogh for them, they all had to get in free or they would now boycott us.

So under a vengeful, self serving banner of "bikers joining together to protect their constitutional rights" this small minded club president and his friends, and the gullible people they convinced this was some sort of justified, democratic cause, came out to the Calendar Show to harass, intimidate and try to turn away the peaceful spectators with families and motorcycle enthusiasts who also have the constitutional right not be be harassed by such people. In effect, some of these self proclaimed peaceful bike clubs have become as annoying and hateful to the community as the known outlaw biker gangs they now support. And don't overlook the harm they are doing to their own sport - the manufacturers, bike builders, vendors and sport of motorcycling in general which needs quality events like the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show to help them stay in business, attract new enthusiasts, and help keep the sport of motorcycling in America alive. These are the type of people who harm the sport, not help it."