Tuesday, August 21, 2012

CANADA - Police to monitor biker party

The Bacchus motorcycle club might have been born to ride, but a major party planned for its 40th anniversary had to be delayed a week because of the man who was Born to Run.

A lack of hotel space in the Moncton area caused by the Aug. 26 Bruce Springsteen concert led the bikers to postpone their party until the Labour Day weekend, said RCMP Sgt. Stephen MacQueen.

The Atlantic Canadian club will now host its party at its Albert County clubhouse just outside Moncton and attendees will stay at local hotels and motels.

MacQueen, who investigates outlaw biker gxxgs for the RCMP’s intelligence-gathering unit, said Bacchus is Canada’s second-largest outlaw motorcycle gxxg (OMG), after the Hells Angels, with about 70 members in seven Atlantic chapters, including one in the Halifax area.

In an email interview, MacQueen spoke about police plans for the Bacchus gathering in Moncton.

Q: Other than Bacchus members, who else is going to attend this event and why?

A: Given the Bacchus MC are the second-oldest and second-largest outlaw motorcycle gxxg in the country, we expect to see numerous affiliated gxxgs from Ontario and Eastern Canada at the event, including Hells Angels, Red Devils, Paradice Riders, Vagabonds, Darksiders, Highlanders and Charlottetown Harley Club. These clubs will be in attendance to show respect to the Bacchus MC.

Q: What will police be doing this weekend?

A: As with all major events, law enforcement will be on hand to ensure public safety throughout the weekend. Whenever there is a gathering of individuals known to be involved in criminal activity, officers make attempts to gather new information while confirming existing intelligence. These efforts allow police to identify new gxxg members, associates, and evaluate relationships between the various gxxgs.

Q: What type of biker business gets done during a weekend like this?

A: These events are more social in nature than business-related. However, in saying that, whenever there is a large gathering of people from various gxxgs that are involved in a wide array of criminal activities, opportunities are present to discuss criminal business. An individual would be naive to think that criminal ventures or opportunities would not be discussed by some attendees during this event.

Q: Should citizens of Moncton be concerned for their safety?

A: No. OMGs are very aware that they are very much in both the police and the public eye during these large events, and as such, are typically on their best behaviour. In addition to this, police will be monitoring the event and enforcing any violations of laws.

Q: Explain the current relationship between Bacchus and the Hells Angels.

A: The Hells Angels and the Bacchus have been affiliated with each other for over 30 years. For a time in the past, the Hells Angels oversaw the Bacchus. However, over the past number of years, as the Bacchus have grown and expanded, they have become more independent of the Hells Angels. Although they still have a friendly relationship, the Bacchus no longer answer to the Hells Angels. In fact, much to the Hells Angels’ dismay, the Bacchus now claim the East Coast as their own. This area, or territory, was once exclusively claimed by the Hells Angels, but due to repeated law enforcement actions against that organization, the Hells Angels no longer have any official presence in Atlantic Canada.
