Saturday, August 4, 2012

AUSTRAILIA - States unite to restrict bikie movements(video)

Video: States close borders to convicted bikies (7pm TV News NSW)
A meeting of state and territory attorneys-general has agreed to make it tougher for outlawed bikie gangs to move across state borders.
The meeting in Melbourne has decided to put into law mutual recognition provisions to stop criminals escaping the law in one state by moving to another.
To bring it into line with the laws implemented in other states, Victoria will toughen its approach to dealing with the gangs later this year.
Victorian Attorney-General Robert Clark says it means if bikie gangs are outlawed in one jurisdiction, they will not be able to head interstate to escape.
"We've agreed to form a group that will ensure all the states, including Victoria, have got strong and effective mutual recognition laws, so if a bikie gang has been outlawed in another state, that can be enforced here in Victoria," he said.
Mr Clark says the latest moves will give bikie gangs nowhere to hide.
"The states and territories agreed to cooperate on getting tough and effective mutual recognition provisions into anti-bikie gang laws," he said.
"So what that will mean is there will be nowhere to hide, outlaw bikie gangs that are banned in one jurisdiction won't simply be able to hop across the border into another jurisdiction."