Tuesday, August 21, 2012

AUSTRAILIA - Council knocks back bikie clubhouse

Wanneroo City Council has stood up to WA's biggest bikie gxxg to deny it a clubhouse in Clarkson.
City planners said the Rebels bikie gxxg should be allowed to keep its clubhouse in the Caloundra Road factory unit because there were no planning reasons to refuse its retrospective application.
But the council rejected the move at its meeting last month.
Concerns over the gxxg moving into the unit were first raised on December 23. The property, which is gazetted as a warehouse and offices, is in the same complex as a family medical practice, a Department of Justice youth outreach office and near a children's ballet studio.
The Rebels applied to change the use to "warehouse and club" and extend a mezzanine floor.
That application attracted five objections, including from WA Police, which raised concerns that the change would "compromise the commercial viability of enterprises in the immediate precinct".
It was also feared the clubhouse would generate antisocial behaviour which would affect the safety of nearby "tenants and land owners and their clients, parents and visitors".
When the council rejected the planners' advice, mayor Tracey Roberts said police clearly explained their concerns and issues with the Rebels and other bikie clubs.
They said the gxxgs could be involved in turf wars in which clubhouses became a target for firebombs and other attacks. Cr Roberts said there was also a skate park within 200m where young people gathered regularly.
Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan praised the council's action.
"If we had more councils taking that stance, it would be a lot easier for us," Mr O'Callaghan said. "I think it's perfectly reasonable and courageous."