Saturday, August 18, 2012

ARIZONA - In Chino Valley -

The Hells Angels Arizona Nomads are celebrating this weekend. It is an ironic celebration.
The charter has several events planned. The big event will be a Boxing Smoker tomorrow at Doreen’s Bar and Grill in Chino Valley. Some of the charter’s members live in Chino Valley. And the celebration is being held this weekend to commemorate a gun battle two years ago between members of the Hells Angels and Vagos Motorcycle Clubs in front of a residence on Yuma Drive in that sleepy, little Arizona town.
Allegedly 50 shots were fired two years ago. Several men were wounded. Charges resulting from that shootout against seven Hells Angels were dismissed earlier this summer.
The Arizona Nomads are calling this weekend’s celebration the Chino Valley Shootout. The event is open to the general public and there is very little danger of more gun play or other violence. The club wants civilians to attend and events like these are always both safe and polite. It is simply a fact that any civilian can putt up to this party, pay his ten bucks and be assured that the Angels will protect him.

Stupid People And Irony

Most rational people of low-normal intelligence or above understand that “Chino Valley Shootout” is an ironic name. Vagos and friends of the Vagos probably don’t like it because relations between the Red and the Green have been strained for the last three years. But, even the fiercest Vago understands that the name is intended to leaven a heavy moment in recent history.
The Angels plan to pack up and ride down Yuma Drive tomorrow afternoon as the Vagos rode down the same street two years ago. The ride will be a symbolic act of performance art. And like all symbols and all art people can either get it or not and either like what they see or not. But, holding a boxing event called the “Chino Valley Shootout” is clearly ironic and sending a pack of bikes down Yuma Drive is clearly constitutionally protected expression. Whether they like it or not the Vagos get this, the people of Chino Valley get this and everybody else gets this except the police.
The police don’t get this because stupid people don’t get irony and also because these same overpaid morons have the delusion that the most basic American freedoms are legal technicalities. Federal, state and local police see this Chino Valley Shootout in exactly the same way they viewed the shootout two years ago – as a law enforcement opportunity.

Beware The Police

Last month Chief Chuck Wynn, the Godfather of the Chino Valley Police Organized Terrorist Enterprise, told the Chino Valley Review, “my concerns are, as always, the safety of the public. That’s number one. The safety of those participating in and attending the event is also very important. We talked about informing the public, because in the past, we’ve had large events and people weren’t told about them. When that happens, we start to get curiosity calls to 911 and that can overwhelm the system. And, obviously, with motorcycles, traffic, and music, it increases that curiosity.” In hindsight, it is now obvious that Chief Wynn was lying.
Earlier this week a propagandist for the Chino Valley Police announced, “In an effort to reduce the number and severity of crashes in which alcohol and or drugs are contributing factors, officers from the CVPD, along with several area agencies will be conducting a Zero Tolerance DUI Saturation Patrol in the Chino Valley area, This Saturation Patrol will be occurring on Aug. 17. Extra personnel and patrols will be directing their patrols at apprehending impaired drivers who are operating vehicles on our roadways.” Police call every dragnet a DUI checkpoint because anti-drunk driving road blocks are legal and most other roadblocks are not. And, the “Saturation Patrol” is scheduled for today because the local Angels are holding a private party tonight and the police want to be able to detain, question and search everyone who attends.
The same organized terrorist enterprise distributed a second press release that read: “The CVPD would like to advise the citizens and visitors to our community that in preparation for the Hells Angels ‘Shootout’ boxing event occurring this Saturday, the Police Department has organized a multi-jurisdictional group of law enforcement officers from across the state and the tri-city area to assist the department in providing adequate law enforcement staffing and to ensure the safety of the citizens of Chino Valley. The department began preparation for this event last month upon receiving information from the AZDPS Gang Intelligence Team Enforcement Mission (GITEM) regarding the upcoming Hells Angels event.”
Statements like that usually mean that you should expect unabashed harassment. So, if you are riding to Chino Valley today or tomorrow, keep that in mind and allow extra time for your free, courtesy, motorcycle safety inspection and handcuff sizing demonstration.