Sunday, July 1, 2012

Saskatchewan - Traffic blitz wields over 700 tickets in two days


Traffic blitz wields over 700 tickets in two days
 Thomas Piller, Global Saskatoon
: Police in Saskatchewan and SGI ran their monthly coordinated traffic blitz last week. Photo Credit: Christopher Stanton , Global Saskatoon RELATED Hang Up, Buckle Up blitz for safer Saskatchewan roads Seatbelts, cellphones, motorcycles targets for next safety blitz Operation Overdrive nabs 30 drunk drivers over long weekend
“Operation Hang Up, Buckle Up, Gear Up” took place last Wednesday and Thursday and resulted in over 700 tickets in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) and traffic authorities across the province focused on seatbelt use, using cellphones while driving and motorcycle safety.
Police reports indicate that over the two day blitz, law enforcement officers issued more than 200 tickets for improper or non-seatbelt use, nearly 90 for cellphone use while driving and six for motorcycle-related offences.
The remainder were for infractions such as speeding, failing to stop at stop signs and other traffic safety offences.
Through these monthly traffic safety blitzes, SGI and law enforcement partners aim to raise traffic safety awareness and make the roads safer for all Saskatchewan motorists.
Last month’s coordinated traffic safety blitz, Operation Overdrive, resulted in 1,300 tickets.
Read it on Global News: Traffic blitz wields over 700 tickets in two days