Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Harley Raffle from Saturday

Please post this Info on your Blog, especilally the Raffle Link below~Jeff will have this Bike at the *HogWash* Pilot Filming,,,,,,
Paul Renteria~*Actor*Harlista*

From: Jeff Williams <>
Subject: Harley Raffle from Saturday
To: "'Paul Renteria'" <>
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 6:51 PM

Hi Paul:
It was nice to talk with you on Saturday and thank you for purchasing our raffle tickets to when the 1977 Harley and support The Teen Project – Venice PAD Center. The PAD Center works to transition homeless teens away from their life on the streets and into productive community members. Our organization currently receives no government support and is staffed by over 400 volunteers and only one paid staff member. In the last 90 days we have transitioned 20 youth between the ages of 18-25 off the streets and either reunited them with a family member or provided housing and support in the area.
Our organization is raising money to house even more young people in a safe and supportive environment where the receive room and board, educational support in a trade or vocational school, job training through internships and a host of other supportive service all intended to give them the family support they never had in the young lives.
The following is a link to our donation page for the raffle – please tell all your friends.
I would also like to hear more about the Hog Wash you spoke of scheduled for Sunday, we would very much be interested in setting up a booth at the event.
I have attached a brief PDF on The Teen Project and The PAD Center and I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank You again  
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