Saturday, July 28, 2012

CANADA - Biker boss pleads guilty to manslaughter

A Maritime biker boss pleaded guilty Thursday to manslaughter in connection with a shooting in Saint John, N.B.
Fifty-three-year-old Matthew Thomas Foley will be sentenced next month in the killing of 31-year-old Michael Schimpf earlier this month.
The shooting occurred near the Bacchus Motorcycle Club headquarters, but police say the incident wasn’t biker gxxg related.
It appears there were a number of confrontations between the two men in the weeks before the shooting.
In a statement to police, Foley said on the night of the shooting Schimpf came toward him on the street outside the clubhouse. Foley said he felt threatened, grabbed a handgun and started firing, but he didn’t intend to kill the victim.
A sentencing hearing has been scheduled for August 15.