Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Brief Apology For Technology

The front page of this site is the gateway into a forest of words. The least of it is the 590 stories and notices that have been posted here over the last four years. Most of this site’s content comprises the more than 16,200 comments (so far) that have been left here by readers in response to the posts.
The database that contains all these words is fairly enormous and within the last two weeks the server that held all this began to slow down and, at critical times, to “terminate processes.” Sometimes these pesky processes were terminated with extreme prejudice and as a result the site has gone down a couple of times. Additionally, the site has generally been slow to load pages and respond to reader search queries. About a week ago the site changed servers and, partly as a result of that, it was down for several hours a couple of days ago.
The Aging Rebel is very aware of the difficulty most of you have experienced reading and commenting on the site and has been working to find a permanent solution that will allow the site’s content to continue to grow without deleting any posts or any of your comments. The site should be noticeably faster for readers to navigate today than it was yesterday. The webmaster for what ATF Agents like to call this “rag for meth addicts” is kind of better with words than he is with computers. Technologically, the guy is a moron.
Additional steps will be taken next week to improve the performance of the site. The Aging Rebel apologizes for any inconvenience these technical problems might have caused you. The worst should be over. Knock on wood.
The good news, at least for most of you, is that the bigger the content here and the more attention it attracts the hotter things get for institutions like the ATF or the despicable Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for commenting. Don’t stop. Click the ads and buy the books. All this shit costs money.