Friday, June 1, 2012

!No, Wake the FUCK up America

  1. !No, Wake the FUCK up America
  2. The fundamental law of the American Republic, the Declaration of Independence plainly states that our Rights are ordained by God. Unfortunately the State and Federal Political Class from the earliest days of the Republic, attempted to subvert this lawful fact, and manipulate the statutory process in defiance to known constitutional limitations. Read the Alien Act enacted on July 6th, 1798, and the Sedition Act enacted on July 16th, 1798 by the federal political class in an overt attempt to suppress America’s liberties.
  3. In contemporary America this statutory corruption has become the public policy of the elected and appointed political class sitting under the federal and state capitol dome. A public policy that few Americans comprehend due to their singular failure to sit down and read the history of America which is found within the historical documents starting with the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress issued on OCTOBER 14, 1774, where it is plainly stated, the protestation challenged the willingness of the British Parliament to bind America’s liberties under the force of statutory law.
  4. There is a solution to the corruption that sits within the State and Federal Public Ministry. In order to overcome the known statutory corruption that radiates from the bench of the “Court”, the officers of “administrative agencies” and by the hands of the elected political class itself, comes from relearning constitutional knowledge on how to stand the rule of law within the legalistic lands of the administrative state. – Junior