Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Laffing Devil Speaks

A Laffing Devil Speaks
For more than six weeks, The Aging Rebel has sought comment about the Discovery Channel series The Devils Ride from either the production company, Bischoff Hervey Entertainment of Santa Monica, or from a member of, or spokesman for, the club. Last night a commenter who identified himself as Hawkster (photo above) a member of the club who was featured prominently in the show, left the following comment on this site.
Promotional materials for the television show describe Hawkster as a 48-year-old mechanic who has ridden with the club for three years. He is also the owner of the body shop the club previously used as a a clubhouse.
This page has not confirmed that the poster is that patch holder but believes the commenter is at least someone with inside knowledge of both the production and the club. Numerous statements in the comment are provably true and have not previously been stated here.
Because the show is controversial and because not all readers examine the comments that appear here, the full comment, slightly edited to include sub-headers and to better conform to AP Style Guidelines, is reproduced below.

The Laffing Devils..
The Laffing Devils is a club of guys from every walk of life. Several former military, a few still active duty. Some own businesses and some have college degrees with corporate jobs. Most have families and are responsible people of society. We came together as many do in other clubs, for the brotherhood, camaraderie and the extended family that many seek.
The club was founded Dec. 2006, members of the local C.O.C. (Confederation of Clubs) and trademarked Laffing Devils MC in 2010.
We have always been known for the support we give to other clubs and charities. We have never been known as or claimed to be a 1% club nor have we ever acted like one. Although many have thought we were a support club, that is not at all true.
We seemed to be one of the highest respected clubs around because of who we were and how we treated everyone with respect.

Four Years Ago
Four years ago the Devils were approached by a film company with the idea (for the show). They (the producers) made a three minute promo DVD to send to the networks. Time went by and no one seemed interested and it was all but forgotten. Last summer Discovery Channel came a calling and they started filming last fall.
Tommy seemed to have made all of the deals with network until he was forced out, then Billy took over.
People think there was a lot of money in it for The Devils, but in fact, it was peanuts after it was divided up. It is a fact that Tommy took off with as much as he could get his hands on and whatever side deals he had made with them.
Tommy Quinn AKA “Gipsy” and as he has portrayed on the show, a bounty hunter too, sold the Devils out in more ways than one. First, telling the club he cleared it with the EVERYONE about his wife, Carla being a cop for the San Diego PD. then lying about it in the first episode of the show. The bullshit story line of how “Gipsy” left the club, was only known by him, the “FORMER” Prez Billy, and of course the show itself. For obvious reasons, they couldn’t tell the truth as then, that would bring politics in to it.
Yes Billy is no longer in the club!

Producers Lied
The bottom line is, The Devils were told they would be portrayed as who and what they really were and nothing more, or we wouldn’t have thought twice about doing it.
After seeing the first advertisements for The Devils Ride we knew we were fucked but by then couldn’t do anything about it but we were still hopefully optimistic that it would turn out as we were told it would. We filmed for months and so much of what we filmed never was shown. The film crew went with us on several poker runs and rides that included charities. We were also involved in the planning for the biggest event I have ever been a part of, that was the world wide known ride called, “100 Bikes For Josiah.” We were a part of 4,300 bikes that rode by the boy’s house, making his wish come true and they didn’t put that on TV.
I can go on and on but you get the gist of it.
Unfortunately for the club, The Devils Ride show with the assistance of Tommy and Billy, has been all but destroyed. Not saying we aren’t at some fault too, but we never dreamed it would of come to this.
I also would like to thank all for your kind words for our Brother JUICE may he RIP,

  1. From Hawksters FB page, kinda says it all …
  2. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1678836410681&set=a.1639772234101.91257.1230655719&type=3&theater
  3. Someones gone Hollywood. http://www.wix.com/dancesca/db-thedevilsride!