Friday, June 29, 2012

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS--Know the law

on Bikernet Sunday Post

KNOW YOUR RIGHTS--Know the law. This video shows why! Notice how this cop is putting on his gloves preparing himself for a search of the man's person long before he has even attempted to obtain permission to do so. Most cops just assume everyone has been brainwashed into believing they have no rights to refuse a search without a warrant. Don't be a brainwashed citizen.......KNOW YOUR RIGHTS and then more importantly...... exercise those rights.

--from Rogue
I was detained by Portland PD officer J McDonald on 26MAY2012. He detains me without suspicion of any criminal activity in violation of Delaware v Prouse. He admits his sole reason for stopping me is my legally carried firearm in violation of US v DeBerry. He seizes my weapon with no reasonable suspicion that I've committed a crime in violation of Terry v Ohio. He demands my ID without reasonable suspicion in violation of Hiibel v Nevada.

open carry a gun don't talk to the cops
This video is a little lengthy, but very full very useful material. Long story short, don't talk to the police.