Saturday, June 30, 2012

AUS - Police could stop tattoo parlour.......

PUB tycoons John Ibrahim and Mark Alexander Erber's plans to open a mega tattoo parlour in King's Cross could be foiled by the state's police chief.
Controversy has surrounded the development application since it was approved by the Sydney City Council a week before the O'Farrell Government's Tattoo Parlour Bill was passed in NSW Parliament.
The decision was also seen as a slap in the face to King's Cross Police who had written a lengthy written objection to the application.
At the time, NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said he was disappointed by the decision and was considering an appeal, but he has been reluctant to comment since.
Under the new tattoo parlour legislation, Mr Scipione has the power to prevent bikies and their associates from getting required licences to operate a body art business.
On Thursday night a spokesperson for Police Minister Mike Gallacher said the Ibrahim/Alexander-Erber application would be among the first sent to Mr Scipione's office.
"Both operators and employed tattooists will be subject to stringent probity vetting by NSW Police," they said
"Those who fail will not be granted a licence."