Friday, June 22, 2012

ATTIKA 7 - Album Review

Band: ATTIKA 7          
Album:  Blood Of My Enemies
Members: Evan Seinfeld
                 Rusty Coones
                 Tony Campos
Genre: Classic METAL
Release date:  July 31, 2012
The phrase "BADASS" has now been redefined.  Take the former lead singer of Biohazard, a biker legend who shreds on guitar, and the bassist who helped form Static X and together you have the ultimate badass fuckin' band...ATTIKA 7
Evan Seinfeld (vocals), Rusty Coones (guitar), and Tony Campos (bass) will release their debut album "Blood Of My Enemies" on July 31st through Rocket Science Ventures.
 The album features songs written by Rusty while he was imprisoned for seven years and with Evan's tough yet melodic vocals "Blood Of My Enemies" stands out as an example of how metal can have musical and vocal power and still convey a message that stirs emotions from deep within.
 The band's first single is "Devil's Daughter", a song that has deep and ominous guitars matched with sinister vocals and a bludgeoning bass. Bands like Type O Negative, Sabbath, and Pantera are huge influences of Attika 7 and pieces of each band are evident in this tune.  Evan's vocal performance is strong and dark like Peter Steele's Type O work.  Rusty's guitar starts off as something Dime would be proud of and then crunches like older Tony Iommi stuff.  The bass stands out in a couple parts and with the drums act as the punishing backbone of the song. The track is a great representation of the rest of the album and can be heard on the band's website

 "Crackerman", the lead track on the album, kicks you right in the chops with the guitar which has this bruising riff that carrys the song.  Rusty kills it with a short lead in the middle of the song too that is very inventive shit!
Throughout the album Evan is able to sing with so much power and precision, bringing life to these songs and making you a part of Attika 7 by allowing you to believe in what the band is performing.
Other highlights for me are "Lockdown" which takes you right into the prison system, "All or Nothing" which talks about the strength of brotherhood in friendship, and "Hellbound" which I can't wait to see performed live because it's one of those songs that builds momentum and when it unleashes the pits will open up and bodies will thrash.
 Attika 7 has had their music featured in the Discovery Channel show "The Devil's Ride" already and once July 31st hits and America is turned on to this album it'll be just a matter of time before Attika 7 treks across the country bringing their mix of metal, motorcycles, and mayhem to your town.