Wednesday, June 27, 2012

ABATE LOCAL 6 MEETING - Sunday, July 1, 2012


WHEN:                       Sunday, July 1, 2012                                                 TIME:  12:00 noon
WHERE:                     Kate Sessions Park – Pacific Beach

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!        

Snowman will be in Hollister so I’ll run the meeting … beware!  We will briefly cover the standard topics:

  • General Business
·         Treasury Report
  • Membership
  • Legislative and Judicial Updates
·         Phone Tree and E-Mail Alerts
·         Merchandise
·         Safety Report
  • Runs and Events – What’s happening (see below)
·         Political / PAC / Judicial – including updates on current bills and primary elections
·         Webmaster

We will also cover old and new business plus officer opening:

·         Old Business
·         New Business        
·         Officer Opening:     PAC Rep – Douglas has resignedNeed replacement soon.
          Please think about helping your Local by volunteering.

If you have a subject you’d like to cover, please email me directly at

Here’s some up-coming events:
·         Rip’s Bad Ride – July 1 – Info:
·         Local 11 Meeting – July 8 – Connie’s Oakdale Lodge at Lake Wohlford – 11:00 a.m.
·         ABATE Board of Directors Meeting – July 21 - Hesperia
·         American Legion Riders-Chapter 460 – July 28 – 1st Annual Take Your Chances Poker  Run
              – starts American Legion Post 460, 7815 Armour St.  Benefits Wounded Warriors
·         CAL-Diego PVA – July 28 – Ride, Strive & Roll – 3350 LaJolla Village Dr. #1A-118, San Diego.  Benefits CAL-Diego PVA Transportation Program
·         ABATE State Run – July 14-16 - Kernville

A little reminder.  The Final Option have a breakfast at Sweetwater Harley just before our meeting each month.  Howie has invited everyone down to have breakfast first and then ride up to Kate Sessions for our meeting.  Give it a try!

That’s all for now.  Please join us for the meeting.
Nancy Nemecek
Vice President – Local 6