Sunday, March 9, 2014

50 U.S. lawmakers oppose motorcycle-only checkpoints!

From Cycle Source Magazine  
Added by Kerri Some 50 U.S. House members have signed onto a bill that would bar the U.S. transportation secretary from providing funds for motorcycle-only checkpoints, the American Motorcyclist Association reports.
The measure, H.R. 904 authored by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.), would prohibit the transportation secretary from providing grants or any funds to a state, county, town, township, Indian tribe, municipality or other local government for use by any program to check safety equipment use or create arbitrary checkpoints for motorcycle riders or passengers.

"The AMA thanks these members of Congress for protecting the motorcycle lifestyle, and encourages motorcyclists in these representatives' districts to thank them for their support," said Wayne Allard, AMA vice president for government relations.
At the same time, Sensenbrenner and Rep. Tom Petri (R-Wis.), along with 29 other members of Congress, have sent a letter to the leadership of the House-Senate Surface Transportation Reauthorization Conference Committee requesting the inclusion of language in the conference report that would prohibit the transportation secretary from providing funds for motorcycle-only checkpoints.

Responding to a nationwide appeal issued by the AMA on May 29, AMA members and concerned motorcyclists contacted their elected representatives and urged them to sign on to the Sensenbrenner-Petri letter. As a result, a bipartisan group of legislators now seeks to overturn a controversial federal program that unfairly discriminates against motorcyclists.

The AMA began tracking motorcycle-only checkpoints when they first appeared in New York in 2007. In 2011, using funds provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the state of Georgia conducted roadside motorcycle-only checkpoints as thousands of motorcyclists rode through the state on their way to Daytona Beach, Fla., for Bike Week, March 4-13. Another motorcycle-only checkpoint was conducted in northern Virginia during one of the nation's most visible motorcycle rallies -- Rolling Thunder -- over the 2011 Memorial Day weekend. Motorcycle-only checkpoints were also conducted in Utah when thousands of riders attended a world-class roadracing event.

Three states have since outlawed the practice -- Virginia, North Carolina, New Hampshire -- and legislation to prohibit them has been introduced in Illinois, California, Missouri and New Jersey.
The letter stated: "MOCs [motorcycle-only checkpoints] are a controversial and unproven method of addressing motorcyclist safety and have not been an efficient use of limited federal dollars. The very existence of this program essentially profiles a group of citizens -- the motorcycling community -- for operating a legal mode of transportation."

The letter added: "The DOT should focus on programs to instruct motorcyclists on the importance of proper licensing, rider education, and motorcycle awareness campaigns."

If that pisses you off check out this site.
It is up to every motorcyclist to contact their legislator and let them know how they feel about the issues that affect us.
Some of the organizations say they speak for us But Obvioulsy Something Is being Lost In transulation.

This and other issues are all over the media.
Here is one from a Linkedin site I go to.
David Bergland • From an article in Stars and Stripes-that came from the Washington Post
Motorcyclists be warned: Many parts don’t meet safety standards
Quote from Article;
Many motorcyclists add that individual riders must be allowed to make their own decisions, regardless of what the standards say. In the biker culture, freedom reigns, with many riders bucking interference from Washington.
While some riders advocate helmet use, protective gear and sound testing, others continue to resist mandatory helmet laws and noise ordinances, saying loud pipes on exhaust systems give fair warning to drivers and pedestrians.
The industry over all has political muscle, with motorcycle associations spending roughly $2 million on lobbying in 2010 and 2011, including support of a 14-year-old law banning NHTSA from initiating discussions with lawmakers about helmet use and other issues. ” [end quote]
Yes, 14 years ago a lot of Motorcyclist put a lot of effort to curb NHTSA from “Blackmailing” states and cutting off Hi-way funding for not having “MANDATORY” helmet laws. It took them years of effort, not just that one year.
Bikers gave up plenty of their life to shorten the leash on NHTSA and still have had to yank on it every year. We (my part is very small) do it from Alaska to Florida and back to Hawaii on so many issues. If we were to stop, it would not be long before you would not have a choice of what motorcycle to ride, what choice of clothing or leathers, excreta.
It seems we as Americans have been losing touch with what it takes to be an American and fight for our Freedoms. Dennis Prager in a Q & A At University of Denver has a good say on this subject at
and recommend you take the time to watch it.
So my answer to;
do you think motorcycle helmet should be enforced or should it be by choice?
has to be “by choice”.