Monday, May 27, 2013

5 signs your cell phone is being tapped


5 signs your cell phone is being tapped

1. Your Battery Temperature
Feel your cell phone if you have not used it for a while.
If it feels warm it means your phone could be still in use.
Please note however that heat may be from overuse.

2. Phone Not Staying Charged
When a cell phone is tapped it loses its battery life faster.
Your phone could be in use when you are not using it.
A tapped cell phone is constantly recording conversations in the room.

3. Delay in Shutting Down
If there is a delay or the back light stays on for awhile, your phone may be tapped.
Always be aware of inexplicable activity on your phone.
This could also be caused due to a glitch in the system.

4. More Strange Activity
Does your phone ever light up, shut down, power up, or install a program on its own?
This could also be a sign of someone else controlling your device.
Note that this can also happen due to interference during the transmission of data.

5. Background Noise
When on a call, a tapped phone will often include background noises.
This is usually in the form of echoes, static, or clicking.
These sounds can either be caused by interference, a bad connection, or someone else listening.

Now you know what to look for if you think your phone is being tapped.
Concerned about the security of your cell phone?