Friday, May 4, 2012

WISCONSIN - “Shut The Fuck Up”

 Guest Post by John Freeman
Rich From Janesville WI (names have been changed)
In (around) 2002, I was living with several roommates in a rental home on the West side of Janesville. I had two roommates.  We all worked full time and enjoyed weekends at the row of bars on Main Street in Downtown Janesville.
My buddy Rich stood 5 foot and maybe 6 inches. I would guess he was a solid 145 pounds.
It surprised me when I heard two or three dudes, early in the morning,  talking and taking pictures in the bathroom across the hall from my room.  I’m cool with all different lifestyles but will be damned if anyone, especially guys are messing around in my personal area let alone the area where I brush my teeth. When I opened the door what I found was a bleeding friend with several broken front teeth, a blood soaked shirt,  and a face which looked like it was dragged 20 yards across concrete.
According to Rich, he was severely beaten by Janesville Police.  He said he had been in a pushing match with another guy outside the bars and I guess the cops wanted a piece of the action also. I’ve been in my fare share of bar fights but from what I saw, this was a pure, savage beat-down. Rich’s forehead, from the beating,  had been bleeding severely.  He had not been given medical attention. Not sure if he was given a choice.  Not sure why the cops felt the beating was necessary but they never took him to jail.
After taking photographs he called the police department. He requested a supervisor to come out so he could file a complaint. Rich had told me that while they were grinding his head into the cement they were yelling, “Shut the fuck up!” I wish I could tell you the outcome of the incident. I ended up moving out of state shortly after the incident and lost touch with Rich.
Mark Schroeder Waukesha WI
According to news reports, in 2010 a man arrived to assess his 19 year old daughter’s injuries after she had been in a serious accident. He was a 53-year-old with no criminal record named Mark Schroeder. For some reason, the cop on scene, Officer Ryan LaFavor decided to pull the bad ass routine and refused to let this guy check on his kid who was still in the car and had called her dad following the accident. It is my understanding that no medical team members had arrived yet. According to, this is what ensued:
Schroeder got out and began approaching the crash when LaFavor yelled at him to stop or be arrested. When Schroeder explained that one of the drivers was his daughter and began returning to his car, LaFavor took him to the ground, kneed him in the back, handcuffed him and kept yelling at him to “shut the (expletive) up,” according to Mastantuono.
The police had dash-cam videos of the incident but after they were requested by both the prosecution and defense, the cops promptly deleted them. They were first viewed by top brass and others 20 some times. The Judge dismissed the charges against this man because she felt this was a cover up.  She knew they were lying. So do the rest of us.
Milwaukee Police April 2012
The video provided pertains to this incident.  A man was in the nightlife area of Milwaukee with some friends. His buddy suggested he take a 2008 Lamborghini for a spin which he gladly obliged. He was drunk and driving it without headlights around the block. The cops stopped him and allegedly ripped him out of the car.  Those of us who have sat in such a car (Though I’ve never driven one) know that getting out of that type of  machine takes some practice.
This man wasn’t good enough or fast enough because this cop decided to attempt to crush his skull while another cop leisurely watched from 2 or3 feet away.  The Police Chief, Ed Philandering Flynn decided it was no big deal that this same rogue cop was suspended for mental health issues 2 years ago but this time cleared him of wrong doing almost immediately.  While this man was laying prone on his stomach with two cops on his back begging for his life he of course was told to, “Shut your fucking mouth!”
Seems like a trend doesn’t it?